There's a brain in my fog .. or.. no .. Wait ... Whát? I mean of course a fog in my brain. I need to think, want to do thinks but how?
For instance, I want to sent postcards to loved ones and people through postcrossing today, but I stare at my pen want to write and nothing comes out. Fortunately it's my day of so I can limit the thinking to an absolute mimimum, if I want. In the mean time I better rest, so my thinking skills are back tomorrow, when I have to go to work again.
Needles to say this is just a short blog this time. I'm probably going to spent the rest of my day bingewatching some series.
*Nee, het wordt geen Engelstalig blog, maar ondanks de brainfog kwam dit toch alleen in het Engels in me op. Misschien omdat ik bezig was met postcrossing, waarbij de correspondentie in het Engels gaat.
Just one of those days! The picture captures brain fog well.